Damn baby……..daaaayum! So let’s take another look at this amazing cock that this well endowed man loves to show this lucky girl…. Where shall I begin? I think most women who unwrap this gift from god will instantly find your length, breath taking…. I would assume most any woman who finds this boner in front of her salivating lips, have never and will never find a cock with such exceptional girth. Girth has always can be a blessing and a curse. This girth is pretty extreme, so a small petite girl like me, probably won’t be able to take you all the way in….. right away. 🙂 Once I get used to you we can experiement and find a position that allows you to fuck my tight, throbbing pussy hard n deep! Now a thick cock that has a manageable length, yum!. To just imagine that thick cock going balls deep inside of me, baby, you will engulfing every last bit of my vagina, with a cock that will make me squirm, moan, grab and pull sheets, and praise god for dick that is just mind blowing! Finally yes, your head is simply amazing as well. Are you getting my theme, your dick is spectacular. However, I shall warn you my sweet johnsoned hottie, that I’ve had sex with a dick about this size before, and it was REALLY bad sex. The guy knew his cock was great, and felt like just having a hard dick would impress me to orgasm. Yes, I orgasmed, the dick was huge and I used that cock like a high priced dildo. This dick can be amazing, and you can be a superstar in bed, but just having a big dick doesn’t make you great in bed… over confidence can dry me out and turn me off. Know hot sex positions, know just how deep is comfortable for her, and make sure you are performing as well as your cock does, and I promise you won’t have a disappointed customer! This cock gets a 5/5 for me, I have a good feeling you will know how to make that work! 🙂
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