I’ve been thinking about this cock rating all day! I’m glad I can finally do it! Lets work from bottom to top. I really like this ball sack. I think I could fit it in my mouth quite nicely. From the picture anyways, it doesn’t look too big. Just right is what I would say. Moving up, your shaft is very impressive. The thickness is particularly sexy. I can imagine my tiny pussy having to stretch way out to accommodate you. You’re not exactly small length wise either. I like the length. It would be a tight fit but I could definitely get all of you inside me as long as you’re gentle. Hehe. I like the vein running up the middle. I bet I could feel it pulse under my tongue. I can’t stop thinking about a hundred different ways I want you to fuck me. I think I’d like to ride you first and have some control but maybe then you could take control back. I like a man that knows what he wants. Oh ha. We aren’t done here. Your head. I like it. It looks nice and smooth. I would give this cock a 3/5.
Alyssa’s Cock Review:
Hmmm. This is a big cock indeed. Big, thick cock like this really turns me on. You are long and thick. I am not convinced it will all fit. The head looks nice and soft. Maybe you can slide inside me and get all the way down to the base. Wow that thought makes me really horny. I would bet you can fuck me really good with this dick. I wonder if you like it rough like I do. Would you spank me until my tight ass was red with your handprint on it? I love to feel that sting and hear that crack of your hand against my skin. That will really make me buck against you. Make sure you have me by the hair so I can’t move away when you pound my pussy raw. That took a turn in a different direction! We were talking about your cock, not how to make me cum. There appears to be just a little curve to your shaft that will most likely hit me in just the right place to make me scream. I could definitely have a great time with this cock. I would rate it a 4/5.
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