Oh my .. I must be completely honest. As soon as I saw your penis, I instantly got turned on! I rubbed my pussy admiring it and fantasized about how it would look like shoved down deep in my throat. Rating you has turned me on so much. I would like to start your rating by pointing out how curvy, thick and long your shaft is! I love when a cock has such a nice curve to it. And yours is definitely my kind of cock, baby! I would be such a dirty girl with that yummy hard cock. Your cock would fill up every one of my slut holes perfectly.. I won’t even deny. It is hard for me to take my eyes off long enough to finish your ratings. oops! See what you are doing to me. 😉 The head is smaller than what I’m usually into but I do like a change! 😉 hehe. the shaft and thickness is definitely the best size though. Not too big, definitely not small. Just right 😉 just right for this oozing wet pussy too! I would look so sexy bouncing up and down on your rock solid cock, baby. Don’t you agree?? Super sexy cock! 4/5
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