Oh I must say that I’m extremely excited to give you an honest rate on your cock. It really does turn me on to look at I just wish you were packing a little more meat, girth wise. That’s okay, you make up for that in other areas such as the length and even that fine, sexy cock head of yours. The length of your cock looks to be a decent size and big enough to please me for sure. 🙂 That cock head is just a bonus and really adds to the rest of your package. I love it. There is really not much I’d like different from it. Rating it has left me with soaking panties from how much your cock has turned me on. I would do so many naughty things to that rock hard cock of yours. Gimme more! 😉 so hot! 4/5 rate
Alyssa’s Cock Review:
Baby, I’m totally loving what I see here. I like it so much that I can’t help but massage my right cunt at the thought of what your dick would feel like sliding in and out of it repeatedly and roughly. I’m positive that bad boy would have me moaning and screaming in pleasurable pain. Ahh! If only I had it in front of me now. The length of the shaft looks above the average that I usually see. The girth is okay too. It’s not too thick and not too skinny. Even the tip of your dick ha some flare to it. I love how full and round it is. Overall, what is not to like about your dick? I would eat every inch of it up and probably wouldn’t be able to stop myself! Hehe just being honest. 3.5/5 rate
Kayla’s Cock Review:
You clearly have one sexy hunk of meat going on for ya. I’m definitely digging it. I bet that cock is so tasty too. The cum and all. I would love to just drop to my knees and suck that hunk bone dry. Wouldn’t you like that too baby? I know it would be loads of fun. Loads! 😉 Although you aren’t as thick as I would prefer, you aren’t bad though. The thickness of your cock is fairly thick and still gets my mouth nice and juicy just ready for you. The length is about normal, I would say. Maybe a tad bit bigger. Either way, your cock is by far perfect in my eyes. In fact, I don’t think I could keep that cock out of my mouth if it were possible. I’m so hungry for it now! 4.5/5 rate
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August 19, 2017 at 4:13 am
You look like a white guy butyour dick is a wierd color. The head looks dark purple but the rest is pale white. Weird looking dick. But decent size